two giant asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today know what the damage can be

two giant asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today know what the damage can be

Two huge asteroids are going to pass close to Earth today, NASA has confirmed this.2024QG And 2021 RA10 from Earth 640,000 And 1,620,000 the miles are about to pass by, These celestial bodies are called the nearest bodies to the Earth (NEO) It has been told, Tell these asteroids 2024QG for the first time on 15 august 2024 Pan-STARRS at Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii1 was discovered through a telescope, These asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today. In such a situation, let us know whether these can cause any harm to the Earth or not,

How big will the asteroids be?,

The size of these asteroids is approximately 130 Estimated to be ft, These 28 august 2024 to approximately 6,40,000 It will pass close to Earth at a distance of miles, There itself 2024QG It will pass our planet at a distance that is about three times the average distance between Earth and the Moon,

2021 RA10 first discovered 9 september2021 to Tucson, This was done at the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona, This asteroid is a little smaller, the approximate diameter of 92 Feet is,

What could be the danger,

There is no immediate danger of these planets approaching the Earth, But such a close approach of a choroid to Earth calls for continued monitoring and planetary defence efforts., NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is closely tracking these asteroids, thereby providing important data for future impact risk assessments,

What are asteroids,

Asteroid is called asteroid in Hindi, these are cold, are metallic or rocky bodies that orbit the inner solar system, They are smaller than planets and larger than meteoroids, Asteroids have no atmosphere and have been around since the early stages of our solar system’s formation. 4.6 formed billions of years ago, Scientists believe these are leftover material from the formation of our solar system,

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